2012 Associates Gathering: Waking up in Somebody Else’s Bed
22 June 2012
Live Art UK convenes annual gatherings for Associates, as opportunities for networking and sharing information about key Live art activities, developments and issues. The first annual Associates Gathering, WAKING UP IN SOMEBODY ELSE’S BED, Thinking about Live Art in unfamiliar places, took place in June 2012 at BAC in London.
WAKING UP IN SOMEBODY ELSE’S BED was a day long event that brought together over 150 key individuals and organizations from across the UK who are working with Live Art practices and practitioners in a wide range of capacities ranging from major festivals and institutions to small artist-led initiatives. The event was also attended by invited representatives from Arts Council England and other funders and the Higher Education sector.
WAKING UP IN SOMEBODY ELSE’S BED was a mix of dialogues and artist presentations about the extraordinary array of forms and practices, spaces and places which Live Art offers promoters and audiences alike. It comprised a series of dialogues around six key themes (Live Art & technology; Live Art & festivals/spectacles; Live Art & rural locations; Live Art & activism/intervention; Live Art & main stages; Live Art & intergenerational/participatory), which were interspersed with artists' presentations of real and imaginary projects.
Contributors included Rachel Anderson (Artangel), Barby Asante (artist), Mark Ball (LIFT), Matt Ball (National Theatre Wales), Dickie Beau (artist), Amelia Beavis-Harrison (Lincoln Art Programme), Boo Chapple (FACT), Richard Dedomenici (artist), The Disabled Avant-Garde (artists), Tania El-Khoury (artist), Ju Row Farr (Blast Theory), Andy Field (Forest Fringe), Emma Gladstone (Sadlers Wells), The Famous Lauren barri Holstein (artist), Laura Godfrey Isaacs (Home Live Art), Louise Jeffreys (Barbican), Brian Lobel (artist), Lone Twin (artists), Lucky PDF (artists), Stacy Makishi (artist), Helen Marriage (Artichoke), Ilana Mitchell (Wunderbar), Harun Morrison (Fierce), Clare Patey (artist/curator), Geraldine Pilgrim (artist), PLATFORM (artists), Sylvia Rimat (artist), Harminder Singh Judge (artist), Joshua Sofaer (artist), and Emma Underhill (UP Projects).
The freesheet for WAKING UP IN SOMEBODY ELSE’S BED included commissioned texts on the possibilities of Live Art by Tim Etchells and Andy Field. Download the free sheet here
Documentation of WAKING UP IN SOMEBODY ELSE’S BED is available to view in the Live Art Development Agency’s Study Room
The second annual Associates Gathering, in collaboration with the Fierce Festival, took place on Friday 4 October 2013 in Birmingham.